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Happen — US. [ˈhæpən], UK. [ˈhæp(ə)n]


Main meanings of the word ‘Happen’:

  1. To occur or take place.
  2. To come about as a result of chance or circumstances.
  3. To be experienced or encountered.


10 simple sentences with ‘Happen’:

  • Things like that happen often.
  • What did happen yesterday?
  • What might happen next?
  • It can happen to anyone.
  • Nothing will happen without reason.
  • Did that really happen?
  • This will happen soon.
  • Mistakes happen sometimes.
  • How did it happen so fast?
  • It may happen later.


The sentences with ‘Happen’ from movies:

I had a miracle happen.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

I won’t let anything happen.The Towering Inferno (1974)

How could this happen?Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Don’t let anything happen to these. – Inside Out (2015)

He said this would happen.The Croods (2013)

This is gonna happen.Jurassic World (2015)

How did this happen?Coraline (2009)

You just happen to be in the front. – The Crow (2024)

You know what will happen then. – To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

What did happen at the school, Grace? – Avatar (2009)

It will never happen again. – Alfie (1966)

Baby, things happen.No Country For Old Men (2007)

How often does this happen?Challengers (2024)

Well, how did it happen?Leave Her to Heaven (1945)

I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here. – Annie Hall (1977)

If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t happen.Interstate 60 (2002)

That’s not gonna happen.Michael Clayton (2007)

But it isn’t potentially going to happen.Don’t Look Up (2021)

That’s not gonna happen, Zazu. – The Lion King (2019)

Nothing’s gonna happen.Night at the Museum (2006)

I’m not gonna let this happen.I Am Legend (2007)

It better not happen again. – American Sniper (2014)

Dude, it’s gonna happen.American Pie (1999)

Anything could happen.Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom (1984)

Things happen.Happiness (1998)

It just didn’t happen.Se7en (1995)

When does this happen?Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)

Frankly, this needs to happen.Labor Day (2013)

Do you happen to have another table? – Brads Status (2017)

Just don’t let it happen again. – Hitch (2005)

How did it happen?Meet The Fockers (2004)

No, it doesn’t happen.The Machine (2023)

I saw it happen!The Fox and the Hound (1981)

You won’t let anything happen to us, right? – Signs (2002)

You could let the change happen.Twilight (2008)

Sometimes in life, horrible and unexplainable things happen.Matilda (1996)

A day where anything can happen.Brave (2012)

Because that’s what needs to happen.The Dark Knight (2008)

I happen to be very good at stories. – Out of Africa (1985)

Make it happen.Godzilla (2014)

It can happen.Taxi Driver (1976)

Never happen.The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

So how does it happen?Big Fish (2003)

Bane’s not gonna let that happen.The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Nothing can happen to me anymore. – Grand Hotel (1932)

We knew that was gonna happen.Iron Man (2008)

Stop trying to make fetch happen.Mean Girls (2024)

Because you won’t let it happen.Golda (2023)

For it to happen again. – Cobra (1986)

He saw it happen.Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

What do you think’s gonna happen tonight? – Bottoms (2023)

I keep feeling something terrible’s about to happen.X-Men 2 (2003)

Why you care what happen to me? – Django Unchained (2012)

Of course, that would happen.Jesus Revolution (2023)

We would never let anything happen to you. – It (2017)

It’s too bad this had to happen.There’s Something About Mary (1998)

Sometimes things happen that change your life forever. – The Meg (2018)

You wouldn’t happen to know? – Casino Royale (2006)

Right, that’s what’ll happen.Bolt (2008)

What the hell happen?Golfballs (1999)

And then they tell us what’s gonna happen.Groundhog Day (1993)